
About Me

Hi my name is Ondřej Chmelíček but you may know me by my pseudonyms IngFavoslav_, mrFavoslav_, Favoslav_, Fvslv_ or by some other. I’m null-year-old and currently studying IT at school named Zámek Kuřim. I am a developer with a passion for creating new and interesting things, and I am currently working on multiple projects. Most of my work is under MIT license on GitHub. You can also check Projects page on this website. Beside of that i have passion for cars and looking forward to buy my dream car Mazda Miata MX5 NA. Apart from engaging in virtual computer-related tasks, I also derive pleasure from hands-on work involving computers, such as being a computer technician, server or data center technician, or exploring other technologies like 3D printing. Furthermore, I hold a genuine passion for playing airsoft.

Apart from my open-source projects, I'm also involved in other projects like Large-Lands, a Minecraft Server that is currently not being developed and is on hold. Motivated by my deep curiosity for cutting-edge technologies, I actively engage in diverse projects, improving my skills and expanding my knowledge base.


Displayed below are the technologies I frequently utilize and have some familiarity with.

  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript
  • NodeJS
  • Express
  • React
  • TailwindCSS
  • file_type_babel2
  • Webpack
  • file_type_sass
  • Redux
  • Discord.js
  • Java
  • C Sharp
  • C++
  • MicroPython
  • Arduino
  • PHP
  • phpmyadmin
  • MySQL
  • MariaDB
  • Redis
  • Git
  • github [#142] Created with Sketch.
  • Cloudflare
  • Linode
  • file_type_vscode-insiders
    Visual Studio Code Insiders
  • Intellij IDEA
  • Vim

Although I haven't yet mastered all the technologies such as MicroPython, Arduino, Java, C#, C++, Redis, React, or Redux, I've included them in this list as part of my ongoing learning process.

I believe in the importance of continuous learning throughout my journey. While I don't consider myself an expert in any programming language, I am always improving my skills in different languages. As a developer working on various projects, I do my best to engage in what I enjoy the most and find fulfilling.

My enthusiasm for learning and staying updated with the latest technologies motivates me to take on new challenges and make valuable contributions to different projects.